Wednesday, 13 July 2016

5 Effective Ways to Protect Your PC from Hackers

Recently, there have been cases of hacking attacks all over the world at an alarming rate. This has become a headache to a lot of individuals and corporate organizations that have their identities stolen. If you are concerned about the security of your PC and information, these five simple tips will help you to fortify and secure your information.
Since a single method cannot be efficient in ensuring the proper protection of your PC, it is advisable that you combine these methods to be fully sure of perfect protection for your computer system.

1. Install Firewall on Your PC

Installing a firewall on your PC is synonymous with employing a security guard to protect your house and property. The firewall will prevent any intruder that is trying to gain access to your PC from an external source. There are two types of firewalls: Hardware and Software. Either of these two can be used efficiently to protect your system.The firewall will notify you of any potential intruder who is trying to gain access to your system. If your PC is used at home, turn the firewall on always
source. There are two types of firewalls: Hardware and Software. Either of these two can be used efficiently to protect your system.The firewall will notify you of any potential intruder who is trying to gain access to your system. If your PC is used at home, turn the firewall on always

2. Install Antivirus Software

Aside protecting your PC from viruses, an antivirus software will also protect your system from other harmful software programs like Trojans, Keyloggers, and the rest. Some of the other protections offered by antivirus programs include providing updates about new virus programs.  Even if your PC is virus-free, installing an antivirus program will combine with other protective measures to give your PC maximum protection. As virus programs tend to expire, make it a point of duty to always update the one you have on your PC.

3. Install Anti-spy Software

A spy software performs the same function as human spies. It collects personal information from computers without the knowledge and permission of the owner. This is what hackers need, collecting your information without your consent and using the illegally gotten information to harm you. To prevent these spy software programs from collecting valuable information about you, install an antispy software program. With that, you will be rest assured.that your PC is fully protected.

4. Use Complex Passwords

The first information that hackers need about you is your passwords. If they are able to get these, all your accounts, be it social or otherwise will be hacked. One of the most effective ways of preventing access to your passwords is to use passwords that are very complex. Use a combination of letters, uppercase and lowercase, numbers, and special characters. This will make it difficult for them to break. Research has made it clear that it takes hackers few minutes to break a password that is 6 words long. Therefore, be sure to make your password reasonable long as well

5. Leverage Browser Settings

Some browsers allow users to set the browser to a setting that will prevent the browser from keeping a history of the users. If you are surfing the web, check if your browser has this option and use it to benefit you by keeping your PC safe


These are some of the best ways to protect your PC from hackers. The combination of these methods will give your PC more fortification than using a single method. Note that there are some sites that give free download of these software programs on the Internet. If you don't trust them, you can purchase them from reliables online stores.
These are the five methods that I know to protect your PC from hackers. If you know of any other useful method, you are free to mention it in the comment section below. You will be helping others to fight the war against hackers. We can win the war against them if we join hands together to fight the war.A


Collins Eze said...

Thanks for sharing this knowledge

BSAT Technology said...

Thanks my guy for your feedback. We need to work together to win this battle.